ITM Alexander Technique
with Jenny Steele

Jenny. Jenny2019

About Jenny

I'm a musician and instrumental teacher and have worked as a horn player, teacher and conductor for the past 30 years. I started having Alexander lessons because I always had a stiff neck and shoulders and I wanted to play and conduct with less discomfort and be able to find more ease in what I was doing.

My first Alexander lessons were in 1994 and probably like most people when they go along for their first lessons, I thought the teacher would sort me out within a few lessons, make me look better, feel better and play the horn far more easily. No more stiff shoulders for me! Well, that didn’t happen immediately. Just like most people who engage with these ideas, I needed to work at things and study before I started to own the ideas for myself.

I had my first ITM experience at the summer workshop in Cirencester in 2004. When I went back to work after the summer holiday, I reported to my line manager that I had just been on a course that had changed my life! It was really only a couple of years later after having regular ITM lessons with my (now) colleague, Tracy Gil that I really started to find out what this work may be about and indeed how to do it for myself. I was hooked! I signed up for a 4-year teacher training course in 2008 and certified as a teacher in 2012.

I'm a member of the ITM Teachers’ Association and work to a strict code of conduct.

I run a practice in Cheltenham, just off the London Road in Charlton Kings.

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